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Freebooter’s Fate

Freebooter’s Fate is a fast tactical tabletop skirmish game designed specially for the Freebooter Miniatures, well, miniatures.

It has everything a scoundrel’s heart desires: avaricious pirates, cunning goblins, steadfast Imperials, sneaky assassins, dangerous Amazons, oogle-dee-boogle-dee cultists, demonstrating Debonnese, sinister Shadows, and unscrupulous mercenaries! A world filled with rogues, cutthroats, heroines and heroes of all genders, shapes, sizes, colours, and preferences, of fine lords and ladies, weather-beaten seafarers, dodgy dealers, ghosts, shiny gold doubloons, and dark corners awaits you. Zombie octopuses! Dodos! On land, at sea, and, in brief moments before usually violent impacts, even in the air. With a thousand peg legs! Arr!

The Freebooter Miniatures team hopes you have fun browsing this website.

Freebooter’s Fate

What you need

The crews

We made sure that each crew is unique and has its own style of play.


Lots of groovy loot to be found here


Freebooter’s Fate

V2 – All about Freebooter’s Fate – the fantastic pirate tabletop fantasy skirmish game

Companero App

To help you with hiring new people, we recommend our free crew composition tool “Companero 2.0”.

It comes in a (device-independent) web version as well as versions for Android or Apple devices.