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The Cult


The cult is home to a number of people who have a very special talent and therefore always rise very quickly to become its leaders. They can call beings from the parallel world, the loas, and invoke them into people. Loas are capable of good things, bad things or just plain entertaining things.

The cult uses this talent as a weapon in the battle for supremacy on Leonera and to give a voice to all those who have been and continue to be oppressed, misjudged or ignored. Or who at least fervently believe that.


Challenge level

A Cult crew can hire the following number of characters from the different ranks:

  • 1 Leader
  • 1+ Deckhand characters
  • 0-1 Specialist for every two deckhand characters
  • 0-1 Mercenary. A mercenary takes up a specialist’s place.


For a long time, the Cult was something of an underground reservoir for all those discontent elements who were looking to any kind of Woo as the solution to their perceived problems. The Empire had been using its Cazadores to root out and destroy any such collectives wherever it could find them.

But then the Empire grew so weak on Leonera that the Cult could grow out of its dark corners like mushrooms after the rain. On top of that, it turned out that some people had real talent and that loas really existed. Instead of nebulous oogle-dee-boogle-dee-Woo, invocations suddenly produced observable, reproducible results. The Cult was quick to turn them into an effective weapon.


Members of the Cult love to display their mystic allegiance. They’ll wear anything which looks remotely spiritual: strange symbols, chains of bones, face paint, etc. The more woo-ey the better.

The simple cultists usually stick to their normal working clothes, however: hard-wearing fabrics in stain-friendly colours. The cult’s special troops – Sansâmes, a kind of temporary zombie – attach little importance to their appearance and resemble the animated pile of old clothes that they actually are.



The Cult’s main weapon is the loas invoked by the mystics. These can range quite a long way and don’t even need line of sight to find their victims. But such valuable individuals must be protected, for which the Cult uses anything which is easily to hand.

In the case of the pirate crew which joined the Cult, this means the classic pistols and cutlasses. Simple cultists take to the field with kitchen knives, clubs and pitchforks. At the bottom end of the scale, Sansâmes are armed with their notoriously dirty fingernails.


The Cult is not a crew which you can just point vaguely in the direction of the enemy and have them charge ahead with any hope of success. The effects of the loas are varied and not always direct in nature. A good coven mistress has to use their loas to weaken the enemy and strengthen their own crew at the exact right moment.

The Cult heavily depends on its mystics, which makes it very important to not lose any of them. It needs a skilful touch to successfully co-ordinate all of that, which makes the Cult a crew for more advanced players.


The crew recommends

This expansion to the Cult starter box aims to use the mechanics of the souldrivers and numbskull characters, teach your opponent the power of the loas and unleash an angry mob on them. The cult has a hard time hiring a team with many expensive specialists due to its restriction of having to take two followers per specialist.


This expansion to the Cult starter box aims to use the mechanics of the souldrivers and numbskull characters, teach your opponent the power of the loas and unleash an angry mob on them. The cult has a hard time hiring a team with many expensive specialists due to its restriction of having to take two followers per specialist.

Sophia L’Entraide

Asqueroso’s Fugoso

Calvario Vigueta
La Catrina
Héler le Lutte
+ Intrigue
+ Esclavagiste
+ Kohuri

500 doubloons

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