Tianyu Phase 2: Files and news
The arrival of the Tianyu in Longfall is approaching, step by small step.
You can now have a look at the latest characters and send them onto the battlefield. So that things don’t get too boring there, we have a suitable scenario for you to test. When the Tianyu arrived, their ships did not just disgorge humanoid characters. Turns out that the Tianyu have their very own species of pest infesting the bowels of their ships.
Thanks to your feedback, we have made a few adjustments.
Overview of changes/new features in beta phase 2*:
– Reduction of the number of Taijitu “weapons”
– Complete revision of Mammon, Hidden Dragon, and Wo Hu
– Minor changes of some other characters
– New characters: Thunder Caller, Flying Fist, Qilin, Snake Eye, Zi Wu (working names at this point)
– New loa domain: elemental loas for Zi Wu
– New character card: Zheng Yisao as a character for the Tianyu
– New scenario: Those blasted Wir-Ming
You can still give feedback on our Discord server or directly to florian@freebooterminiatures.de.
We hope you enjoy testing it.
*We can be kinda forgetful, and therefore do not guarantee completeness of this list